Shane's Story

No matter how long you have been following Jesus, you may have never had a conversation about how to share the story of what God’s doing in your life. The good news is, you don't have to figure this out on your own!

For Shane, it took one invitation from a neighbor to realize living in community is the best way to live. Shane was attending church, regularly serving, doing everything she thought she was supposed to do. However, it wasn't until COVID when Shane realized she was keeping people at a distance.


One day, Shane felt God was calling her to a deeper community. "That day, my neighbor invited me to be part of a group. I was very afraid, but I walked to her house, and we prayed, we laughed. They welcomed me in, and now my husband is in it. It was something I didn't know I needed, and now I can't think of never doing it again."

Going through Rally Your People Training and now Coaching Gatherings, Shane has found the value of a community that encourages and consistently shows up for one another. "There's a support, and it feels grounded in something real, and we want good for each other."

Two months ago, Shane couldn't imagine a community beyond her family. Now, she loves meeting different people at different stages of life, whether it be at church, in an Uber, or anywhere else! "The stories...are unlimited! We really are one body, and Coaching Gatherings shows that."

Since her neighbor invited her to be part of a group, Shane is now actively finding ways to connect with people. She now knows the value of an invitation, being a positive presence, and sharing stories. "We're not meant to have a testimony and never share it. Just go. Go anyway."

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