Luke's Story

Luke Harrison grew up in the Church and is now experiencing a new kind of transformation in his walk with God. "I'm tired of doing Christianity alone, and I've done that for so long."


Luke's purpose for gathering people together begins with his own experience. "I knew that I really wanted to try to make [this group] work because I've seen one too many kids walk into [a church service], see nobody [they connected with], and walk out. I know exactly what that feels like, and that's not okay anymore."


With that all-too-familiar feeling of disconnect, it began to shape his desire to do something about it. Joining a Coaching Gathering has been a launching point for Luke to discover the real, tangible difference that walking in Jesus' direction alongside other people makes.


Coaching Gathering is a community of people who consistently show up with support, ready to discover what God has to say, and with a desire to make an impact in and through relationship. He's training "to do Christianity with other people, not do it by myself," along with learning to love, welcome, and gather people better in his life.


Before Jesus, Luke was arm-distanced, closed off, and content with living that way...until he wasn't. Since stepping into Jesus' invitation to experience greater, Luke is now becoming "opened and surrendered" when growing in relationship with people. Luke is learning to retrain his default to people instead of to solitude. 


When it comes to sharing all that God is doing in and through him, Luke says, "I don't know all the answers...I'm curious to see where it goes for almost the first time."

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