Bringing life to Las Vegas
Jesus spent much of His ministry preaching the Good News to the homeless, hungry, and hurting. The heart of the Local Outreach ministries at Canyon Ridge is to step into people's lives and share the Good News in tangible ways. Part of how Canyon Ridge does this is in partnership with organizations within Las Vegas. Joining the Local Outreach team is an incredible opportunity to be part of something bigger than yourself and witness firsthand what God is up to in Las Vegas.
Spark A Movement in Las Vegas
Join a Team →

Three simple steps to join a team
You can help make a difference in Las Vegas or around the world. It’s simple! Just sign up for Volunteer Orientation and hear about all of the places you can use your talents and different teams you can join. Pick the right team for you, and fill out a 90-day Commitment Card to find out your next steps. Attend a shadow day and meet people just like you who are using their gifts to lead others toward Jesus.
Upcoming Outreach Opportunities
Current Community Outreach Partners
Canyon Ridge supports many organizations and missions in the Las Vegas valley financially and with volunteers. Get to know your Community Care and Outreach Partners and find ways you can get involved.
Are You Called To Global Missions?
Taking a Global Mission Trip can be one of your life's most significant faith-building experiences! No matter the type of trip or location, Mission Trips are your opportunity to help make disciples of all nations!