Be a part of what God is up to!
Serving others with others is one of the best ways to find your people and help make a big church like Canyon Ridge feel like home. Whether it's greeting people on campus or hosting in the online chat room, volunteering is the best way to meet people and become a partner in what God is up to in Las Vegas and around the world!

Three simple steps to find your team
Attend Volunteer Orientation
Fill Out A Commitment Card
Shadow Your New Team
3 Ways To Bring Life To Las Vegas →
Meet the Teams
Volunteering is not just about completing tasks; it’s about building a community of people who will help you discover your next steps toward Jesus. Whatever team you join, you’ll grow and be transformed as you meet others and embrace the joy of serving others!
Find Even More Ways To Bring Life To Las Vegas!
Jesus spent much of His ministry preaching Good News to the homeless, hungry, and hurting. The heart of the Missions and Outreach ministries at Canyon Ridge is to step into people's lives and share Good News in tangible ways. Part of how Canyon Ridge does this is in partnership with organizations within Las Vegas. Here is a peek at some the many partners and ways you can bring life to this city!