Hayleigh's Story

A few years ago, Hayleigh joined the Air Force not knowing what she wanted to do with her life. "I've been in the Air Force for about two and a half years now and wasn't in the best place with my spiritual self, my mental self, just myself, period. I was living a life of sin that was hurting me, and I just wasn't happy.”

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When a friend simply invited her to getting to know Jesus again, things began to change. "I have a friend that works with me. He's a really good guy. He's always talking to people about going to church and having a relationship with God." After some consideration, she visited Canyon Ridge with her friend for the first time.

Recently, she has been "seeing God's fingerprints in everything," especially as she began discovering God's call for her to serve in kids and youth ministry.

This was only possible because Hayleigh has had people walking with her the entire way. People like her friend who invited her to meet Jesus and people she has met and served alongside in a newfound community. "With my whole journey with God, of course, I didn't do it alone. They have encouraged me to start going to school for ministry and to just keep trusting God."

Upon reflecting on God's invitation through people, Hayleigh reflects, "being able to transition and change my life...I never expected myself to be here, and I never expected God to choose me to be able to do his will and spread his Word. I was the last person I would have thought of to do that. But he has, he chose me, and it's a blessing."



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