Chris’ Story | Turning Point

I've always known Jesus. Before I was close with Jesus, I was arrogant. I was just an angry, selfish person that lacked confidence. After I let Jesus into my life, I strive to be selfless, patient, and kind to everyone, and it's brought me joy. Do you have a story like that?


Chris is a husband, a father, a son who has found healing in his relationship with God, power in sharing his own story, and the best kind of life alongside others. But it wasn't always like that.


"Jesus wasn't a stranger, but I avoided Him at all costs. So much of me just didn't care that there was a life Jesus called us into, so I just wanted to live my own way." Growing up without a dad led Chris to live out of a sense of abandonment and resentment, hating the idea of God as a Father and proving that he could do life without a father. 


At age 12, Chris experienced a breaking point when he threw a rock at a kid and was arrested. It was a traumatic experience that landed him at rock bottom. However, people's response to Chris's actions made this a turning point for him. Rather than turning away, people surrounded Chris and showed up with love and compassion. That was a tangible image of God's unconditional love for him.


"Even in my terrible decisions of hurting people emotionally, physically, Jesus was always there, and He had something better. Once I started walking that way, everything opened up. I understood my relationship with Jesus - Jesus' pursuit of me and the direct connection I had with Him."


From that moment, Chris has been on a journey of discovering his greatest contribution as the person he chooses to be every day with Jesus. Trying to find the point where his passion for wanting everyone to know Jesus in a new, transformative way intersects with his experience and love of music, missions, and production led him to where he is now. 


Currently, Chris uses light, tech, and production to create atmospheres that invite people into worshipful encounters with God. Color, technicality, and emotion interpret the stories told in a song, which propels Chris into everything he does both in and out of the tech booth as someone who is always looking for the story God is writing in and around him.


"I have the ability to share [my] story with so many people. There will always be someone who needs to hear about Jesus - to know more about themselves, discover, as culture changes, where is Jesus in this? Telling the story is part of the story."


There's power in story. What's yours? 

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