Marcello’s Story | Sola Fide – By Faith

Marcello grew up in a Methodist church in Brazil, but church was a place to go more than a relationship and community with Jesus. "At some point, you have to have your own experience." His own experience with Jesus led Marcello to where he is now - living out his calling and conviction through worship, discipling students, and staying in Las Vegas. But, staying in Las Vegas is a nuanced story of God's faithfulness period after time. 

 Marcello has story after story of God showing up for him and his people, about enduring together, putting one foot in front of the other again and again, counting on what God will do next. This past year, through a series of events, Marcello thought his family would have to move back to Brazil, even though he knew God called his family to Las Vegas. 


Marcello and his family were waiting on a letter that would tell him their family could stay in America, but they were playing the waiting game for longer than they had expected. Resolving that time was running out, their family decided to do everything they could to transition well. But right at the last second, the letter arrived in the mail.


"When it involves your family, the safety of your family, there is a human side of you, that even though you trust God, you always look for the safest pathway. [But], the safe way was not the pathway Jesus had for us. He had the best in mind."


Throughout a season of waiting in uncertainty, Marcello had people praying with him and his family every day at 4:13 in the afternoon as a reminder of Philippians 4:13 - for I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. "Endurance is really hard to do alone. This is why we need people with us. It doesn't mean all your problems are solved, but having people around you [helps you] see hope in all things."


Marcello and his family have learned that enduring hardship brings about transformation, shapes a testimony, and solidifies community. "The things we have to endure are what makes our faith make sense. That shapes us; it shapes our character, it shapes our faith in God, it shapes our testimony."

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