What Divides Your Worship?

Have you experienced difficulty or disorder when changing from one way of life to another? When you begin to move out of one ordered life, and into a newly reordered one, there is always a season of disorder in between. Judges 6:25-32 teaches the story of disorder when Gideon obeys God to find a reordered way. 

Following God’s commands, Gideon tore down an idol of the false god, Baal. People were upset, and Gideon had reason to fear. However, because of his obedience, the people had a refreshed worship for God alone in place of their idols. 

In your life, what’s taking your attention off of God? Is your worship divided? Consider the questions below to discern what you might be worshiping above God. If something is revealed, offer that idol to God, worshiping him in its place. 

  1. What puts me at ease?

  2. What do I sacrifice for?

  3. What makes me mad?

  4. What do I worry about?

  5. Whose applause do I long for?

  6. What disappoints me? 

  7. What do I complain about?

  8. Where do I go when I’m hurting/tired/empty?

  9. What do I glory in or allow to control my choices?

Trust that God is worthy of your worship even in the season of disorder as you turn from one way to his way. Will you embrace God in the disorder to allow him to bring about the best reorder?

Dive Deeper

God is not afraid to invite you into disorder because he knows that a divided heart will eventually wreck you. Will you choose to hand your idols over to him and let him bring reorder? Watch this week’s message for more.

Written By: Molly Spikereit

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