Re-Ordering Your Decisions

How do you make decisions? Some people decide quickly without consideration, act out of fear, or choose whichever path will please those around them. No matter how you do it, you have a usual system for making choices. Is God a part of your decision-making? 

In Judges 6, God calls Gideon, a simple man, to save Israel from the hand of the Midianites. Gideon feels unqualified and afraid. He asks God many questions, and through a series of signs from God, Gideon's trust in him grows. Ultimately, Gideon obeys, and God uses him to save the Israelites. 

Three simple steps to becoming a person who discerns God's voice in your decision-making:

  1. Keep discovering the Spirit of Truth. 

    • Because of Jesus's resurrection from the dead, the Holy Spirit now lives within all Christ-followers. That Spirit of Truth will guide you as you make choices.

  2. Learn to listen.

    • It can be tempting to make reasonable decisions without first asking God. Practice quieting the noise so you can listen to God's voice.

  3. Walk in obedience.

    • Will you do what he says? After discerning God's will in your decisions, you have the opportunity to obey him.

Dive Deeper

God is not afraid to invite you into disorder because he knows that a divided heart will eventually wreck you. Will you choose to hand your idols over to him and let him bring reorder? Watch this week’s message for more.

Written By: Molly Spikereit