Three Ways To Practice God's Word

Theologian N.T. Wright says, “Being a Christian is like riding a bicycle; unless you go forward, you fall off.”

This week, read Colossians. As you do, ask yourself, "Have I joined Jesus?" If or when you acknowledge the truth of Colossians, things change - YOU change! Here are three ways people join and accept Jesus:

  1. Association: This is about who you identify with - a sports team, an organization, a culture.

  2. Access: Who are you giving access to? This is about being vulnerable to know and be known.

  3. Abiding: Another way to say this is remaining. Who are you journeying with, staying with, remaining with? 

Colossians 2:6-7 says, "And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness."

You can belong before you believe. And as you believe, join him! How you continue to follow Jesus is an ongoing verb - you hear it in Colossians 2 (continue to follow, roots, be built, grow strong). This is about a life-changing decision made when you say yes to Jesus, and how Jesus changes your life as you say yes to him every day! So, here are three simple, yet foundational ways to continue to follow him:

  1. Put it into practice. As you read Scripture, have a regular rhythm of asking yourself, "How will I obey this in a costly and tangible way in the next 47 hours?” Invite a friend or your group to support your costly step with prayer, encouragement, accountability, and celebration when you practice! 

  2. Remain in God's Word. This week, read Colossians. Journal through it, be curious about it, pray through it, and encourage yourself and others with it!

  3. Watch for the SPEC. The SPEC is a sin to confess, promise to hold onto, example to follow, and a command to obey. Looking for one or more of these in your passage will bring vibrancy as you discover, do, and share what God says!

With the friendship of Jesus and the community of his people, let your roots grow daily and consistently! When you do, thanksgiving will overflow from the person you continue to become with Jesus.