How To Study the Bible With The SPEC

Have you ever wondered how to study the Bible? Maybe you've been reading all your life, familiar with Bible stories taught to you in Sunday school, or maybe you’ve been curious, having never opened the Bible before and don’t know where to start. Wherever you are in your walk with Jesus, there is an invitation to know him!

There are many helpful ways to read the Bible. One tool to further discover, do, and share God’s Word is the SPEC. The SPEC is an acronym that stands for:

  • Sin to confess

  • Promise to hold onto

  • Example to follow

  • Command to obey

As you read the Bible, you might not find the whole SPEC, but watching for one or more of these as you read God’s Word will bring vibrancy, intentionality, and attentiveness to your time hearing from God! Each part of the SPEC can help guide your time in putting God’s Word into practice. A sin to confess, a promise to hold onto, an example to follow, and a command to obey has the ability to shape your prayers, your next steps, and your relationships with God and others!

Who can you invite to practice looking out for the SPEC? Discuss it as you discover God’s Word with your people and look for it during your quiet time as you spend time discovering, doing, and sharing God’s Word!

New To Faith, FamilyEliana Park