Only One Way to Find Out

Hearing is an ok teacher.  Watching is pretty good.  But DOing is next level! God shapes us not only in the hearing of new information but in applying that to real-time action in our lives.  As we DO what God has said, we encounter Him and find many things to celebrate.

Listen in on the stories of people what people experienced as they did what God seemed to be saying in their Discovery Bible Study.

  • Tell a friend or family member a story of how God SHAPED you the last time you DID what He said.

  • Look at a Scripture this week with a friend or your family. Commit to a costly, tangible step to DO what God seems to be saying.  You can find a great format and Scripture to get started at

  • Spend some time talking and thinking with God and your people about when it has been hard to DO what God is telling you. How can you help one another to obey God in costly, shaping ways?