4 Tensions for God to Shape Us

Tension is not comfortable.  Yet tension is a GREAT place to depend on and be shaped by God together. We are navigating LOTS of unavoidable tension these days.

  • How much “alone” can we take and when can we be together?

  • When to use digital interaction instead of physical presence?

  • How much are we drawn to what’s known versus embracing something new?

  • Can we grieve limits while embracing opportunity?

God will meet us and SHAPE us in these tensions.  We don’t have to settle for an either/or mentality.  And we don’t have to wait for “normal.”Let’s embrace the tensions by inviting God to do ALL he wants in this season. Spend some time with God talking through the 4 tensions.

  • Talk with your people (family, friends, neighbors) about how they are navigating these tensions. Share what God is teaching you about one or more of them.

  • Consider putting the “4 tensions” on your fridge with a magnet marking where you are on any given day.

  • Post something you are learning from God in these tensions in the comments.