Neighboring – First Steps

We tend to overcomplicate things. Neighboring doesn’t have to be rocket science. This week you will hear from Shannon and Claudia. Each of them has simple, doable ideas that will invite a different kind of relationship with your neighbors. When we prayerfully engage our neighbors, new opportunities come up to bring life and invite people to join Jesus. Try their ideas, or develop some first steps of your own using this simple model for inviting people closer to you and Jesus… pray, eat, play, serve.

Try this!

  • Walk your neighborhood several times.  Pray as you walk, asking God to help you take your next steps in life-bringing in your neighborhood.

  • Choose a category – pray, eat, pray or serve.  Which comes most naturally to you?  Then think of a simple way to invite a neighbor to do that with you and get it on the calendar!

  • Gather the people with whom you live, including kids, and make a list of everything you know about your neighbors… pray and make plans to learn more about your neighbors in the next week.

  • Join the LifeBringers at Canyon Ridge Facebook group.