
As Christians, our highest calling is to love. And as Life Bringers, we want to live this out everywhere we go so that the life of Jesus breaks in and people come alive! For the last 18 months, we have been praying and engaging the faces we see in the places we go (face & places) to love them well and pray for opportunities to point them toward Jesus. Faces & places are the who and where we bring life! (Check out the Faces & Places series here) Now more than ever, one of the places God is inviting us all to is our own neighborhood. This week, we kick off a series of Vlogs full of practical ideas and inspiration to live our highest calling… right where we live.

Try this!

  • Reflect on the last year and how engaged you have been in your neighborhood.  Celebrate ALL the wins, collect all the learnings and ask God for a fresh vision for the year ahead.

  • Make a list of people who will support you as you love your neighbors.  Include your roommates, family, neighbors, life-group, etc.  Invite them all to pray for you.

  • Join the LifeBringers at Canyon Ridge Facebook group.

    • What limits have helped you stay connected with God?

    • What daily, weekly, monthly practices or habits have you discovered that invited God to do new things in you?

    • What can we learn, or copy, or steal from how you have engaged your neighbors?

    • Grab the book “The Art of Neighboring,” and read through it with a few friends.

    • Memorize Luke 10:27-28