How To Respond To God In A Tangible Way

People of Jesus are two-feet in kind of people because Jesus was two-feet in on the world’s behalf. Followers of Jesus discover what God is saying, do what God is saying, and share what God is saying. What you discover about God only gets traction, and what you share only has credibility inasmuch as you DO what God is saying. 


John 15:10 says, “When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.” To do what God says is to live in loving-obedience! Obedience is relational, logical, and foundational.


If you are a follower of Jesus, you are not only invited to discover to change your mind, but your life. So, how would you obey this? Here’s a helpful question to ask as you discover, “how will you respond in a costly and tangible way in the next 47 hours?” Responding to this question begins with an “I will…” statement. Here are 5 characteristics of the kind of “I will…” statements followers of Jesus want to make.


  1. A strong “I will…” statement is consistent with God’s Word! These should naturally flow from conversation with God and others about the particular passage in Scripture that is being explored!

  2. A strong “I will…” statement is clear and tangible! Don’t be vague or random. Be specific, measurable, two-feet in. Make your commitment to obeying God inescapable! Here are some examples:

    • I will share my 15-second transformation story with at least 2 people and invite them to share stories of change with me.

    • I will pray 5 minutes at the beginning of each day for the opportunity to talk with my coworkers about Jesus.

    • I will spend my break time each day engaging more intentionally with others.

  1. A strong “I will…” statement is costly! Don’t make it too easy, or too grandiose. You won’t grow in comfort, but rather will develop as you reach just a bit further, respond just a little more sacrificially, and do just enough to have to trust God and ask others for support. This is fresh space that God meets us in and shows something new about Him!

  2. A strong “I will…” statement is relational! People obey better together and for one another. God’s commandment is always about loving him and loving others like him! And, along the way of doing what God is saying, how will you rally the support of others to pray with, follow-up, and go with others? Ask: Whose support will I need to do this well?

  3. A strong “I will…” statement is pointing others to God! The more you discover, do, and share the vastness of God’s love, the more you become like him! Your “I will…” statements are shaped to look like how Jesus would live.


The uncommon change Jesus brought invites an uncommon response - a life marked by Jesus. How will you live two-feet in? “I will…”