3 Ways To Explore God's Word

Have you ever felt halfway devoted to something? Working out sounds like a fantastic idea until it's time to wake up early, head to the gym, and put in the work. The same is true for your relationship with God. Are you one foot in and one foot out? It's time to be two feet in, fully committed to discovering what God has for your life.

What does it practically look like to be committed to Jesus? The idea of being two feet in with Jesus comes from Acts 2: 38-42. 

All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, and sharing in meals and prayer.

Notice it says all believers. That means each and all together. Connection and relationship are vital in being devoted to Jesus, connection to each other as Christ-followers, and connection with Jesus.  

How can you be devoted to someone you don't create space to know better? The more you know Him, the more you'll become like Him. 

Here are three ways to explore God's Word to know Him better.

Explore God's Word together with others.

Do you have a regular rhythm of exploring God's Word with others? If not, this is a great place to start on your journey of being two feet in with God. Exploring God’s Word alone is so important in hearing from God, but discovering Jesus together with the people in your life is vital. When people come as fellow explorers with different experiences rather than experts with something to prove, it creates a unique space for people to learn together.

Explore God's Word to know Him.

Reading God's Word isn't about information or knowing all the answers. It's about reading to explore and discover Him. The Bible is a story of what God has done, what he accomplished through Jesus, and what he invites us into. When you are getting to know someone, you ask lots of questions, right? The same is true for getting to know God. Here are 3 Questions to ask that will keep your time in the Word focused on relationship, not information. 

        1. What does this say about God, Jesus, his character or plan?

2. What does this say about people in general?

3. What is the S.P.E.C.?

  Sin to confess.

Promise to hold onto.

Example to follow.

Command to obey.

Explore God's Word WITH Him.

There is something powerful about creating a space to hear from God and expecting Him to speak. Spending time in scripture should always involve God, inviting Him into the process. What does He have for you in the Word today? Grab a journal and write it down! Don't miss what God has for you. 


See how relational the experience of reading scripture is! Spending time in the Word is a habit that takes intentionality to build with God and with others. Part of being two feet in with Jesus is devotion to action, not just intention but action. What action do you need to take to be two feet in with your relationship with Jesus?