3 Ways To Lean Into The Holy Spirit As Your Guide!

God is always up to something, and he wants you to experience the best kind of life with him, even if it's uncommon. Part of knowing what it means to step into this life that's better than normal is having a guide to show you the way!

But, before we meet our guide, what's the difference between a map and a guide? Essentially, a map and a guide do the same thing - they help point you in the right direction. However, the experience of following a map vs. being led by a guide is so different.

John 16:15-17 says, "If you love me, obey my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth."

God has a long history of guiding his people, saying, "Go, but I'll go with you." There's a story of God leading the Israelites, who spent many years in slavery, out to the Promised Land in the Old Testament. But before getting there, they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Many times, the Israelites wanted a map more than they cared for a guide. But, God's guidance made meaning of their wandering as he shaped and showed them what it meant to become his people. 

God is still doing that today - inviting his people to not miss the moments from Point A to Point B as he shapes his people to become his people.

The best guide is the one who loves what they're showing and sharing. Their goal isn't to get you from Point A to Point B; their goal is to make you engage with and fall in love with the people and places they love along the way! If you allow the Holy Spirit to be your guide, he will lead you to HIS best things, what HE is passionate about, what HE loves, and the lay of the land through HIS eyes. 

His invitation to walk his way makes you a better guide to the people around you! Trust the Holy Spirit as your guide to show you a better way - HIS way - and become like your guide to the people in your life along the way.

Here are 3 ways to lean into the Holy Spirit's guidance by identifying where you are on your journey with him:

  1. Learn to Trust Your Guide: Maybe God seems unrecognizable. Who are people in Scripture and in your life who can share stories of who God is and how the Holy Spirit is at work in and around them? Text someone you know to be curious about the Holy Spirit together with!

  2. Learn to Walk With Your Guide: Maybe God is inviting you into deeper conversation with him. How will you respond to the Holy Spirit saying, "Come and walk with me"? How is walking with the Holy Spirit transforming you?

  3. Learn to Become Like Your Guide: How is the Holy Spirit shaping you to become a guide to the people in your life? Dream up, practice, and share ways to outwardly express the transformation that is happening within you as you walk with the Holy Spirit!

People walking with God and being guided by his Spirit is how people recognize God in this world. As you experience a life that is better than normal with the Holy Spirit as your guide, how are you becoming a guide to the people around you?