3 Powerful Reminders About Sharing God's Word!

Ever hear a really great story that you can’t help but share with someone else? One of the primary vehicles of communication for people is storytelling. If storytelling is so natural to people, why does sharing God’s Word sometimes feel so…risky?

There’s a real invitation to hold your fear and anxiety in one hand, and opportunity and the potential in the other hand. In other words, this invitation to live in the tension is to practice being fully present.

Two feet in kind of people discover God together, do what he says, and share everything they’ve been handed with others! Scripture was not meant for people to simply read and enjoy; it is meant to be shared with others!

Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere - in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” These were Jesus’ last spoken words on earth. Jesus gave the gift of the Holy Spirit to empower people to share who he is with the world!

Every great story is relatable and memorable. And Scripture is both relatable and memorable, alive and able to transform lives! Here are 3 things to remember about sharing what God says with others:

  1. Sharing is a team sport. Followers of Jesus only share because of the Spirit at work in each and all! Jesus’ call to be witnesses is plural for a reason - it was never meant to be done alone. 

  2. Jesus gave the Holy Spirit to empower people to share. The same Spirit that came to the early Church is the same Spirit that is alive in the Church today! The Holy Spirit invites you into partnership with him to share what you encounter in God’s Word with others! Don’t underestimate the power and presence of the Spirit alive in you as you share Scripture!

  3. Sharing is risky. This is where you can remember holding fear in one hand and expectation in the other. Most people aren’t looking to you to be an expert. You are uniquely positioned in their lives to show up and share Scripture with them in your unique voice. Be prepared by reading and retelling a story from Scripture in your own words this week with someone in your life! A great place to start is in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

The power of discover, do, and share is this: the power is in the words of Scripture and the story of Jesus. You don’t have to add to the Scripture to let his words speak! Sharing with others should be invitational, compelling storytelling, and curious discovery that draws people out to encounter God and his Word in fresh ways! Who will you practice sharing and retelling Scripture with this week?