How To Reflect Well

Have you ever been so excited about something only for it to not go exactly how you wanted it to? Maybe it was that big project at work or that one class at school, or that conversation with your kids. The reality is, you can only be so prepared and planned out. Being prepared and being able to debrief well go hand in hand for how you continue to show up well with intentionality. 

 Carving out time and space to reflect well on how something went from beginning to end is a healthy rhythm to practice! Reflecting well is a way to examine what happened, question what needs to and can change, and experiment for the future. This helps you become an active, curious, and expectant contributor to how you show up!


God is always inviting people to live into the fullest versions of themselves. Part of becoming your greatest you is by reflecting well, which grows your awareness of yourself, others, and God. And, it’s a great way to not miss how God is showing up in your life when you look back and look deeply! Try this simple framework the next time you are reflecting on your situation, conversation, relationship, or day!


W- What went well?

I- What do I want to improve?

N- What will I do differently next time? 


How will you commit to regularly practicing the W.I.N.?