Good News | ANYTHING

ANYTHING - A Spoken Word by Mike Harrison.

We have a reason to sing

Church, I said we have a reason to sing

Because our God can do anything.

Beyond our imaginations, He's not bound by our limitations

There is no imitation. 

There's no box for you.

There's no category or spot we can assign to you, 

Everything is possible,

There's no door that's locked for you. 

You can heal, You can reveal, You can transform, 

You can make real the miracles we stopped believing in

You're not hearing me, there's no box for Him.

Our mountains aren't too big 

Our relationships aren't too broken

These bodies aren't too sick. 

There is nothing in this Earth that he cannot fix.

And we gonna sing because of this.

We will lift our voice to Him.

Death can't hold You.

Unrest can't hold You.

Religion can't hold You.

The press can't hold You.

Anxiety and depression can't hold You.

Debt and a recession can't hold You.

You are a God of miracles.

Of taking what seems impossible to us

And making a way through in this moment,

This moment is proof,

And as we lift our voices we sing through the roof.

We give every burden, every worry, every mistake,

We give it to You because there is nothing You can't do.

This room can tell the story.

We could pass this microphone around

And we could all talk about how Your grace abounds.

About how You made a way when there was no way to be found,

How You were right here when no one else was around.

And we could tell story after story, after story,

After story, I'm not hearing you,

After story, after story,

And we will shut this place down,

Because our God is that good.

And Church I gotta ask You, right here, right now,

How will anyone know about the goodness of God?

How will anyone find out, how will anyone hear,

If the Church isn't loud?

How will our friends know?

How will our kids know?

How will anyone hear if the Church isn't loud?

Our God is that good.

He's too good to not believe

And somebody better sing.