Building A Strong Marriage 

Everybody that gets married envisions having a solid marriage. Nobody strives to have an unstable marriage; however, often, people tend not to know how to build a strong marriage. 

A marriage is a lifelong partnership of running after Jesus together. It takes hard work and commitment! That means changing rhythms and habits as the seasons of your lives change but always choosing to love each other no matter what.

Marriage is full of intentional habits to keep your friendship intimate and relevant. Every couple's habits look different. One thing that is the same no matter what is a constant pursuit of Jesus, individually and together. Personal time with God has to be a priority. Creating space to seek after Jesus as a couple will shape many decisions in your marriage. With Jesus as your foundation, here are three helpful habits for building a strong marriage:

Prioritize date night - This one is a staple! Exploring together and going out on dates should continue even after you get married. Life gets so crowded, and other friendships and things arise, so make date night a rhythm that can't change. Try once a month, and put it on the calendar! Scheduling out date nights will build anticipation and help keep your friendship growing.

Prioritize couch time - this one is uniquely important for all parents. Couch time is time set aside every day (about 15 minutes) that mom and dad talk about their days in front of the kids without any distractions or interruptions. This time communicates to children that mom and dad value time together and prioritize their relationship. It also communicates to your spouse that your marriage comes first before the long list of to-dos.  

Find your people -  Marriage is easier when you are not in it alone. Find a couple you both trust that has been married for a while and be vulnerable with them; invite them to mentor you. When you allow trusted people in, you will find more challenging seasons become less isolating and easier seasons you get to celebrate together. 

Bonus habit: 

Laugh together - Marriage is often full of serious things like bills, full-time jobs, kids, sickness, chores, and much more. How often do you and your spouse laugh together? Prioritizing having fun and laughing together creates moments to hold onto during challenging seasons and breaks up the long list of have-to's. Go out of your way to make spontaneous and casual fun to enjoy each other's company and laugh together. 

A strong marriage is rooted in more than sexual intimacy and infatuation. A strong marriage doesn't happen overnight; a sturdy marriage is in the intentional choices and moments over the years. What habit can you implement to communicate to your spouse today that they are a priority? 

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