5 Things That Make Good Partnerships

Everyone wants someone committed to them and their thriving. Don't you? When people partner together in Jesus' direction, celebrating, encouraging, challenging, and supporting one another happens. There is so much joy in partnering with God and his people!

In the New Testament, Paul and Barnabas were two unlikely people who partnered with God and with one another. Together, they had great impact on the people around them. Read Acts 9 to learn more about their partnership in the Gospel! What do we learn about great partnerships?

Looking at Paul and Barnabas, here are 5 things that make a great partnership:

  1. Good partners bring different things. Barnabas brought encouragement, connection, and his long history of faithfulness to following God. Paul brought passion, determination, teaching, and new testimony. They each showed up with unique contribution. What do you bring?

  2. Good partners help one another see what they each bring. Barnabas' name translates to "son of encouragement," and he was true to his name, encouraging Paul to continue preaching boldly. And it was Paul, alongside others, who wrote letters of prayer, correction, and encouragement to churches all around. Who could you support by helping them see what they bring?

  3. Good partners become a web of relationships. When Paul converted from a persecutor of Christians to a follower of Christ, it was so unbelievable that people didn't believe it. But Barnabas advocated on Paul's behalf, broadening their relationships. Who is one step out of a web of relational networks that you can invite in?

  4. Good partners get each other in the game. In other words, partners go together. Paul and Barnabas weren't just getting together; they were going together. So, who's on your team and where are you going?

  5. Good partners are found on the way. Paul and Barnabas found one another on the way in Jesus' direction. Get busy doing what God is calling you to do alongside God's people. Look across your life! Who are you doing life with that you can continue to call one another to God's purpose?

Like how Paul and Barnabas weren't just getting together but going together, the same is true with God - to not just get together with him but to go with him. God is always at work. Where is God inviting you to partner with him? Start there and commit to great partnerships!

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