How To Partner In Prayer

Partners go together. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus says, "As you are going, make disciples...and know I'm with you always." Jesus said this to a group of people committed to going in the same direction together.

From the beginning, God has invited people to partner with him. Partnership with God always means partnership with his people. As you explore what it means to partner with God, who is listening to God with and for you through prayer? Prayer is how followers of Jesus get together and go together with him and his people. Here are 3 reasons to start a prayer team:

  1. Calling. Explore where God is calling you by listening to God together, discerning, and asking one another great questions. With a prayer team, create fresh space to hear from God together, prioritizing people who help you see God's work for you more clearly.

  2. Sending and Commissioning. The things we will do if we simply know people are with us! Commissioning is about prayerfully sending one another out in Jesus' name with great support along the way.

  3. Celebrating. When you go together, expect to experience God in surprising ways! And what better way to celebrate than to tell stories of what God is up to? Who could you invite to share the story of what God has been up to in your life?

If you're going to live out the calling God has for your life, a life of meaningful partnership and lasting consequence, you cannot do that alone. There is no better way to partner with God and his people than by starting a prayer team!

It's simple to start. Look across your life. Who are people from various areas of your life that you can invite to partner with you by being on your prayer team? Text at least two people right now and get a team going! You can send a text like, Hey! I'm inviting some people who are important to me to support me by praying. Would you be willing to pray for me when I send periodic messages?

A prayer team is an ongoing conversation about all that God is up to in your life and the lives around you. Not only does it create space for people to have an immediate and significant impact on what God is doing through your life, but it also multiplies encouragement and boldness for everyone involved! So, who will you invite to start a prayer team with?

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