3 Ways To Explore Partnerships

Everyone wants a life of purpose and joy, full of meaningful and transformational relationships. This kind of life requires the support and help of people around us. 

Here are 3 practical, helpful ways to explore partnerships :

  1. Discovering and Developing Partnerships With People

    This will invite you to look across your life and partner with friends, family, neighbors, and others to live and share your faith with the people around you!

  2. Commissioning and Supporting Partnerships Through Prayer

    This will invite you to develop a support team who prays for and encourages you as you bring the kind of life found in and with Jesus to the people around you!

  3. Forging and Finishing Partnerships As A Church

    This will invite you to lean into the local church, being equipped and trained in a context to discover and develop partnerships with God, his Spirit, and his people!

If you look across Scripture, there are many striking partnerships across the story of God's people. People were created from partnership for partnership. Who comes to mind? This week, dive deeper into Scripture and read about the partnerships in the Bible.

  • Moses, Aaron, and Miriam (Exodus 3-5, 15, Numbers 12, Micah 6:4)

  • Barak and Deborah (Judges 4-5)

  • David and Jonathan (1 Samuel 13-23, 2 Samuel 1)

  • David and his mighty warriors (2 Samuel 23)

  • Jesus and his disciples (Matthew 12)

  • Esther and Mordecai (Esther)

  • Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (Daniel 1-3)

In this long tradition, it shouldn't surprise you that Jesus invited not an individual but a group to go with him. Jesus had friends like Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, and followers like Peter, James, and John. Jesus lived amongst, for, and with people, and his life of fellowship is the model for the early church and the church today as early followers devoted themselves to fellowship (Acts 2). 

Partners go together. This kind of relationship is well-served by a context and a direction in "go." When people partner together in the same direction, there are multiple opportunities to celebrate, encourage, challenge, and support one another. Look across your life. Who are you a partner in the Gospel with? Who can you invite to partner with you? The hope is simple but life-changing: to partner well with one another.

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