A Helpful Framework: Look Back, Look Around, Look Ahead

You are not who you were last year, and still not who you will be next year. Everyone is becoming someone. So, who are you becoming?

People are affected by life events, but even those don't tell the whole story. People have stuff, but you are more than what you have. People have accomplishments, but you are more than what you have done. People have vocations, but you are more than what you do. These are merely the context in which you become who you are. And you are becoming someone either by accident or on purpose. What will you choose?

God made people to be ever-becoming. 2 Corinthians 3:16-18 says, "But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord - who is the Spirit - makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image."

From the beginning, people were made to reflect the nature and character of God. He provided the place and way for human flourishing without shame, failure, lack, or hurt. And becoming someone is about realizing that people are in-process all the time, every day! So, here's a challenge to notice and respond to the daily invitation and challenge to become a people who reflects God.

A helpful framework in being a people who become more and more like Jesus is to be a person who Looks Back, Looks Around, and Looks Ahead. Here’s how that works!

Look Back: This invitation is to reflect well to learn and celebrate without judgment, condemnation, or comparison. Assume and expect that God has something for you to learn from and hold onto as you move forward!

Look Around: This invitation is to practice curiosity in exploring, discovering, and supporting. As you look across your life, where do you notice God at work? How can you partner with him?

Look Ahead: This invitation is to explore with expectation. As you go with and go to, who and how can you partner with others to make a positive impact? 

How can you, as part of God's Church and people, together see and reflect with God? The journey of becoming more and more like Jesus is best done together!