5 Common Questions Around Leading A Group

This fall is a great opportunity for new and deep partnerships to flourish through groups! Are you launching a group? Starting a group is easier than you think because of the limitless partnership, support, and encouragement available along the way!

Being in this together means being able to start well together! Here are 5 common questions people are asking when it comes to leading a group:

  1. What topic or study should we start?

This fall, Canyon Ridge will be going through an 8-week study, meaning for all ages and all life stages! You can find it here. 

2. What do support and partnership look like for me?

It can be scary when it feels like it's all on you, but groups are all about going together - whether by rotating which homes are hosting or doing a potluck-style gathering! Every person has a unique role and way to contribute, so invite co-facilitation (the study is designed for each person to have a chance to facilitate the group discussion). 

3. How do I find people to invite?

This is where partnership gets really fun! Partner up with someone and look across your lives and different relational networks answering two questions:

  • Who is close to you but far from God?

  • Who is close to you but not connected with other followers of Jesus?

This is a great way to prayerfully and intentionally heighten awareness of who in your life might be impacted by an invitation to a great community! 

4.When should our group meet and how often?

A great starting place is to meet at least twice a month and to start with anywhere between 5-10 people. Here's the thing - these numbers vary on support, space, and schedule, so, as long as you're finding ways to commit to building community, don't put too much pressure to meet a certain number! And, if the group is too large at first, consider splitting into multiple groups, setting up time to meet as a large group every once in a while to exchange learnings, stories of what God is up to, and more!

5.What about childcare?

Not all groups will have children, but for the families that are meeting, consider this another way to invite contribution from everyone, whether that means everyone chips in for a babysitter! But, do realize that this is an awesome opportunity to model deepening, curious, and empowering community for kids!

As you look to launch a group with the people in your life, continue to step with the Spirit, and celebrate all that God is up to in and through your group!

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