5 Ways To Grow In Generosity

Most people want to help and do good until they realize what's required to actually do that. If you want to grow in and live an uncommon life marked by generosity, you will need the help of healthy, spiritual, and tangible habits.

Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, constantly nudges people in the direction of generosity. In the book of Acts, the early disciples translated the command of Jesus to love one another as he loved them into remarkable generosity toward one another and their community. 

In many ways, generosity paved the way for the Gospel. Their generosity was more than just notable; it was unmissable. It's what they were known for. What makes someone generous? Generous people...

  1. Give a lot. Acts 2:44 says, "And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had." No one is generous without giving a lot. It doesn't mean they gave everything away; it means that nothing was off-limits. Generous people pre-decide how much to live on by deciding how much they want to pass on.

  2. Give often. Acts 2:45-46 says, "They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. They worshipped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord's Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity." This is the image of continual, habitual practice of generosity. Generous people don't just give a lot; they give all the time as a regular part of their life rhythms and habits. To them, giving doesn't happen on rare occasions; generous people look for and create occasions to practice generosity.

  3. Give in a direction. Acts 4:34-35 says, "There were no needy people among them, because those who owned land or houses would sell them and bring the money to the apostles to give to those in need." Generous followers of Jesus see their giving as a stewardship of God's resources. They give in and to places that reflect their values, purpose, and things that have their heart. They steer their giving in the direction of things that matters deeply to them and deeply to God.

  4. Give from a good heart. Acts 2:46-47 says, "...and shared their meals with great joy and generosity - all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people." The word "generosity" is also translated to "sincere." In other words, generous people are free from self-focused motives with no expectation or obligation linked to it. They just give. Their desire is simply for the good of those they give to.

Aren't these the qualities of every really generous person you know? Looking at this list, how generous are you? The beauty of generosity is the attitude and act of abundance, which means that everyone can grow in generosity. Here are 5 ways to do so:

  1. Check your posture. What's one word that describes your attitude of generosity? Is it joy? Is it reluctance? In the next week, notice how you and the people around you experience joy because of generosity.

  2. Find your places. Who are you going to and who are you going with? Being intentional about partnering with people in generosity will help you give in a direction!

  3. Pick a percentage. Everyone on their journey of generosity has a starting point. Pick yours and increase from there! Be disciplined and creative about making margin to give.

  4. Make margin. Pre-decide how much to live on by deciding how much you want to pass on. Then, adjust your lifestyle so you can give a lot.

  5. Set a pattern. What habits and rhythms do you see emerging? Make your giving as regular as your getting, and find the joy that comes with generous living!

Keep taking steps toward translating your devotion to Jesus into a love for others. This week, take some time to explore and make decisions about the relationship between your standard of living and your level of giving. Remember, generosity isn't about the amount of giving but about sharing the experience of a generous God with the people around you!