3 Ways To Consider Where To Give

The earliest disciples modeled what it means to live generous lives by sharing everything they had and giving to those in need. Giving to others is all across the story of Acts. The generosity of the early church was an inescapable part of their shared life, and people took notice! But why is generosity so important for followers of Jesus? 

Luke 12:31-32 says, "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need. 'So don't be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.'"

This is what God invites his people to do - to seek him above all else and put your heart in his direction! Simply put, a kingdom is where the king gets his way, and God is a most benevolent King. It pleases God to give, and as followers of Jesus, it pleases God when his people give in his name!

Few things compete for human attention and energy than money and possessions. When you live a generous life, your life and actions are not just for yourself but the people around you! Living generously, like tipping your waiter extra to show appreciation or buying coffee for the next person in line, opens the door for the gospel to make its way into conversations and relational encounters!

So, the question is not whether you should give - the answer will always be an invitational, joyful yes. The question now is where you should give. Here are 3 helpful ways to consider where to give:

  1. Give where you are going!

    Give where your heart is. Luke 12 says to "seek" him above all else! Is where you are going and where you are currently giving in the direction of seeking him? This is how you can practice intentionally pointing your heart, life, and attention toward God.

  2. Give to the people you are going with!

    Do you have stories of how people of God showed up with generosity in your life? Living an uncommon life means experiencing God together! Giving to the people you are going with means moving from guest to family, always ready to contribute generously and joyfully.

  3. Give to the people you are going to!

    Who are your faces and where are your places? Your faces and places are daily opportunities to show up with generosity that reveals God's heart for all people! What step will you take to make greater margin to practice uncommon generosity?

Give where you're going. Give to the people you are going with. Give to the people you are going to. God is always inviting people to experience his abundant love by partnering with him in generous living! How will you trust him and commit to taking a step in generosity?