5 Things You Should Do After a Job Interview

Many people think the end of an interview begins the waiting game. In many ways, yes. However, putting in a little extra effort to express gratitude and demonstrate your interest can show employers your genuine care, intention, and initiative in the opportunity. Here are five things to do after a job interview to make sure you leave a lasting impression on the hiring manager:

  1. Send a thank-you note. A thank-you note is one of the simplest yet most powerful ways to show your appreciation for the interviewer’s time and consideration. Crafting an effective message will take some thought, but it's an important step that shouldn't be overlooked. Express your gratitude and point out a few key highlights from the conversation that demonstrate your interest in the role. Choose a card that is professional, neutral, but also shows a bit more of your personality.

  2. Follow up with references. If you’ve provided references as part of your job application, reach out after the interview and let them know what’s happened so far in the process. This will allow them to offer additional insight into their experiences working with you or provide feedback on how they can best support your candidacy.

  3. Research the organization. After your interview, take some time to research the organization more thoroughly—even if you already did before interviewing for the job! Knowing more about its products, services, and market can help you to better prepare for any future conversations with the employer. In addition to preparing responses, being prepared with intentional questions to ask is just as important in demonstrating your initiative!

  4. Check your social media profiles. Your online presence needs to be professional and up-to-date if you want to make a great impression on employers. Review your social media profiles (including LinkedIn) and take the time to update each one accordingly. This includes adding new information, such as certifications or honors received, as well as removing anything inappropriate or outdated.

  5. Reflect on your performance. Now’s the time to reflect to better understand what went well, what you want to improve moving forward, and where you may need more practice or preparation in the future. Consider jotting down a few notes about your performance and how you plan to adjust for any future job interviews.

Following these steps after your interview can help ensure that you leave a lasting and positive impression on the interviewer!

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