Remember These 11 Things When Writing Your Resume

Writing a great resume is a critical step in any job search and is often the key to landing your dream job. It’s your chance to make a positive impression on a potential employer and to demonstrate why you are the best fit for the role.

To make sure your resume stands out from the crowd, don’t forget to include these eleven things:

  1. Use action verbs. Job postings usually use a lot of them, so incorporating some into your resume can help you stand out in the crowd. Instead of saying “Responsible for …,” choose an action verb like “created” or “managed.”

  2. Highlight achievements. You should mention any accomplishments or awards that show you have gone above and beyond what was asked of you in a role.

  3. Quantify results. Whenever possible, include numbers to back up any claims or successes. Instead of saying “I reduced overhead costs,” say, “I reduced overhead costs by 10%.”

  4. Be mindful of your layout. Keep your resume simple and organized. Use a bold font to make headings stand out and avoid long paragraphs.

  5. Don’t forget about keywords. Employers often use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter resumes for specific keywords, so pay close attention to the job posting and include any relevant words or phrases that come up frequently.

  6. Proofread! Nothing is worse than spotting an error on your resume after it’s already been sent out. Read over your resume multiple times and have a friend or family member look it over as well to catch any mistakes you may have missed.

  7. Keep it concise. Employers often won’t take more than a few minutes to go through each resume they receive. Try to keep your resume under two pages and make sure you include only the most relevant information.

  8. Showcase specialized skills. If you have any special certifications or skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying for, include them. This will make it easier for employers to quickly identify what makes you the best candidate for the role.

  9. Customize it. Take some time to tailor your resume to the company or position. Highlight any experiences or qualifications that are pertinent and get rid of anything that isn’t directly related to the job in question.

  10. Include soft skills. Soft skills, such as communication, organization, problem-solving, etc., are just as important as technical skills when it comes to succeeding in a job. So don’t forget to include any soft skills you have that would make you an asset to the company.

  11. Don’t be afraid to brag. It may feel uncomfortable, but your resume is the perfect place to showcase all of your best accomplishments and qualifications — so don’t shy away from bragging about them!

Now that you know all the essentials of crafting an effective resume, it’s time to get started!

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