7 Questions to Ask During Your Next Job Interview

Going into a job interview can seem one-way, from interviewer to candidate. However, both parties involved need to make sure it’s the right fit for all involved. Asking questions is a great way to get to know the organization’s mission and visions to help align your expectations. Here are seven questions to ask during your next job interview to help you in your decision:

  1. What do you think sets this organization apart in its context? This question will give you insight into how the interviewer perceives the company, as well as how they feel about their role within the organization. It’s also a way for you to learn about what makes this particular company unique and why it stands out from other organizations in its field.

  2. What type of qualities and skills do you think are most important for success in this role? By asking this question, you can get a better sense of what qualities and skills the employer is looking for, which can help inform your answers during the rest of the interview. Additionally, it'll give you an idea of how the company measures success and values goals.

  3. What challenges might I face in this role? Asking about potential challenges will allow you to gain insight into what kind of working environment or culture exists at the company and whether or not it matches your values and expectations.

  4. How would I be evaluated for success in this role? This is an important question because it allows both parties to understand what success looks like in this particular position so that everyone is on the same page when it comes time for evaluations.

  5. What do current employees enjoy most about working here? Hearing firsthand accounts from current employees can provide valuable insight into whether or not working at this particular organization would be fulfilling or enjoyable. It’s also great to get an idea of how much camaraderie exists between coworkers.

  6. What opportunities are available for career growth within the organization? Knowing where there might be room for advancement within an organization is always beneficial because it gives employees something concrete to strive towards. Having clear goals set out ahead of time may also encourage employees to pursue development and longevity at an organization rather than hopping around from one job to the next.

  7. What is the next step in the hiring process? This question will demonstrate your eagerness to move forward and take the next steps. It also allows you to make sure you have all the information you need to progress in the hiring process.

When it comes down to asking these questions, a little preparation goes a long way. Remember that going into a job interview should feel like a two-way conversation rather than just one person talking at another, and these seven questions can help you get that conversation started on the right foot.

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