3 Ways To Build And Practice Uncommon Habits

God wants you to experience an uncommon life characterized by uncommon change! In that process, you, alongside others walking in his direction, become an uncommon people together. And these two feet in kind of people are marked by a different set of priorities, patterns, and habits. 

Acts 2:42 says, “All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals, including the Lord’s Supper, and to prayer.”

The thing that made the early church people uncommon, two feet in kind of people is devotion. Devotion is what differentiates good from great, real impact from good intention, one foot in from two feet living.

But, how do you know if someone is devoted to something, if you are devoted to something? You see it in their actions. Devotion is expressed in what you do. Devotion isn’t emotion. Emotion just means you want to. Devotion isn’t intention. Intention just means you know you ought to. Devotion means you’re going to, and you do. Devotion has an “I will…” statement attached to it. 

Devotion isn’t just about what you do; it’s about what you keep doing. Two feet in living isn’t about what you do one time or sometimes, but about what you do all the time. It’s about a direction you have chosen and about building habits that build you.

Every believer devoted themselves…” Here are 3 ways to build and practice uncommon habits and devote yourself to who God is and what he says:

  1. Remember your WHY

    1. Devotion needs a direction and a dream in clear sight. This is an invitation to keep your eyes and attention on Jesus and what he has in mind for you. The more you are devoted to who he is, the more devoted person of Jesus you will become!

  2. Calendar your WHAT

    1. If it’s not on your calendar, it’s not in your life. Sit down with a friend and explore different habits and practices you want to commit to. Calendar your “I will…” statements and start from there!

  3. Refresh your HOW

    1. Don’t let your practices and “I will…” statements grow stale! As you continue to grow and become more and more like Jesus, devoted in your walk with him and others, adjust your habits so they keep bringing life to you and the people around you!

As you explore and practice these habits, think of people who can keep you accountable and devoted to Jesus. Make space to celebrate the habits that are helping you become a devoted person, and for transformation as you continue to become more like Jesus!