How to Pursue Unity Amidst Disagreement

Weeks like this one remind people how many opportunities there are to disagree. It seems with every decision, election, and ruling, there are some who are saddened and worried while others are excited and relieved. How do followers of Jesus stick together, loving one another and those around you, even in disagreement?

When you look closely at the early church in Acts, you'll find that the people of God experienced spiritual and tangible unity through prayer, gathering, communion, generous living and listening. The Church committed to unity together not because they agreed on everything, but because they agreed on one thing: to see Jesus known by the way they love sacrificially (John 13:34-35) and pursue unity (John 17:23).

Unity is not uniformity; it is the possibility of life lived well together amidst chaos and disagreement. And this takes practice. So, here is a helpful way to practice and pursue unity with one another by looking back, looking around, and looking ahead. Invite the Holy Spirit to guide your conversations with others, even with those who disagree with you. 

The following “within” questions are meant to create a helpful personal reflection and discovery time, while the “with others” questions are designed to create helpful conversations with others in your life. 

Look Back

Within - What unique experiences, specific passages of Scripture, conversations, and relationships have informed my unique view?

With Others - What actions have I taken in the past in regard to this issue? How have those actions led to the good of others, healthy change, and unity? How have they led to division?

Look Around

Within - Meditating on Psalm 131, what is surfacing or emerging as you examine your heart in light of current events? What is important to note and acknowledge as you process within and with others?

With Others - What about this issue is causing any of the big 7 emotions (joy, sadness, surprise, fear, anger, disgust, contempt)?

Look Ahead

Within - What am I learning about loving sacrificially and pursuing the unity of God's people that I cannot afford to forget as I move forward? 

With Others - What specific action is God prompting me to take to act with love and love with action in my context?

Unity marked by sacrificial love is the divine identity, legacy, and call of the Church, not just for the sake of the Church, but for the sake of the world. When opportunities for division occur, may you show up with a deeper desire for and commitment toward unity.

Dive Deeper

Disagreement is a daily challenge for everyone - from the family deciding on what to have for dinner to something more controversial in the world. The series Eye To Eye looks at 3 different kinds of disagreement and an invitation to navigate, deepen, and encounter relationships with God's help and God's way. Disagreement isn't easy, but your relationships are worth fighting for!