3 Ways To Gather Around A Table To Cultivate Community

Maranda and Santi Garcia started their journey with groups 8 years ago, and just launched their own group in August of 2022. Since then, they have experienced so much good along the way. The Garcia's have built their life around community by practicing tangible hospitality together!

Hospitality is a relational way of life, and it is fully demonstrated in the life of Jesus. Read through the Gospels and learn the ways Jesus invited all people to the table, lived with margin to meet people where they were, and invited everyone into a fuller way of living amongst God and his people!

Maranda and Santi have a lot of experience and encouragement to share for those who are looking to deepen relationships! Here are 3 ways to gather around a table to cultivate community: 

  1. A Dining Table: Santi and Maranda are incredible hosts, opening their homes to entertain, feed, and grow relationships! Food is the great gatherer of people. Oftentimes, their home is filled with people around mealtimes! They never let how many chairs or tables they have dictate how many people they invite - their door is open. And, what they've found is every person enters a space where they are genuinely welcomed.

  2. A Discover Table: Maranda and Santi have been volunteering at Discover Canyon Ridge as table hosts. It's not about being an expert - it's about simply showing up present and curious to the people around you! Discover is a great place to meet and connect with people looking for their next step, just like Maranda and Santi did and since then, have helped so many people get connected!

  3. A Different Table: Laughter and fun are essential in building relationships and community. It helps bring people together, making them feel more comfortable and able to break down any relational barriers. This is what Santi and Maranda have found to be true, so they started meeting every Tuesdays for Trivia Night. Gathering for a shared meal, fun and games, and dedicated time to invite different people have been so good for their relationships! So, find times to change it up! Schedule time for a meal at a restaurant, picnics at the park, etc.! Building community happens when you are intentionally doing life with God together.

The table is a beautiful place to share meaningful life together, and it's a space where hospitality flourishes - a sense of tangible care, a feeling of welcoming, a seat for belonging, and a space for deepening relationships. How are your tables hospitable spaces?