A Letter From Drew | Giving Tuesday

"Wow! What a year we have had with the people of Canyon Ridge in 2022. Take just a moment to think back over 2022. As we continue to live out what we've been learning about a healthy, "two-feet-in" church who partners with one another and the Spirit, we can celebrate this past year and count on more to come.

This year was not without hardships. We continue seeing lasting impacts of the pandemic on the health and relationships of the people of our church. Each week we meet people just returning to church, often bringing real hurt and hardship from recent years. Yet, we celebrate how our church has become a people of prayer, support, and connection.

Our church has lived wisely and generously despite the financial challenges set in our economy. Many of you have even continued to take steps of generosity. Because of this, we have given over $150,000 to partner organizations and another $50,000 to other ministries focused on making disciples across the world.

Christmas is when we look around our lives for the people we love and make a list. Each time we light up with connection and care for people, we add them to the list of people we plan to give a gift. Whether it's wrapped presents on Christmas morning, a plate of cookies, or a simple card, we want them to know the special place they have with us. We express our love for them and what they mean to us by giving them a gift that shows them we see them, know them and care for them. This act of good gift-giving actually deepens our relationships.

When I look across the people of Canyon Ridge, I see people who have been deeply helped by one another. I see so many who have been a help and encouragement to me! I am grateful for our shared past and hope for our shared future. This is the same sense I have for individuals when I add them to my gift list.

How about you? If you have a sense of gratitude and hope as you reflect, would you consider adding the people of Canyon Ridge and those we serve together to your list?

Just as giving a gift to a family member or friend binds and strengthens the relationship and enriches the life we share together, so can a gift to your local church!

So much good is ahead for the people of Canyon Ridge! The good we have seen this past year is just the beginning.

Our giving together provides not only the resources and staffing but also our church building and facilities. This year, we will do some much-needed updating and repair that was delayed through the pandemic season. Just like homes need systems replaced and refreshed, we are going through that season as a church.

How awesome that God, through the generosity of so many over the years, has provided such a great facility. Now we get to care for this campus in our season. Much of our campus was built 15-20 years ago. We hope to invest nearly $1M into places for people to encounter God and connect with one another. These updates and repairs will ensure a safe, comfortable, and engaging place for many years and people to come!

The times we gather together for worship, learning, and training equip and strengthen us to live compelling, invitational lives everywhere we go. As we continue to partner together like this, we can have the highest confidence that God will impact our city and beyond through the people of Canyon Ridge.

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