How To Practice Gratitude Around Your Thanksgiving Table

One way to practice gratitude is to increase your appreciation of those around you. Increase your awareness of those around you, and your gratitude to those around you will also increase. How often do you show up with no agenda and just listen to those around you? As your awareness grows, appreciation grows, which then grows relationships and also a capacity to experience greater and deeper joy. 

 What does this look like around your Thanksgiving Table? 


Try this!

Take turns going around the table and sharing the following:


Name something in the last 24hrs that you are grateful for

Name 1 thing from this previous year that has shaped you into the person you are becoming.

Name something about someone at your table that you appreciate 

Pro tip: make sure everyone is shared about!

Name 1 thing about God for which you are grateful


This meal could be just like every other meal in the year, or it can be one that you are intentional about leaning in and building stronger and deeper relationships, a meal where friends become family. God has good in mind for you when connecting with others; remember to pause and listen to what God is up to in the lives of those around you.