Unlocking the Power of Prayer: How a Prayer Team Led to a Life-Changing Moment

Check out Blake’s story of how he assembled a prayer team dedicated to praying for him as he went about his everyday life! Through the persistent prayers of his team, Blake witnessed a miracle!

Discover how this simple yet impactful concept led to a life-changing moment for Blake's friend. Learn about the "Three Circle Gospel," a powerful tool to share the Good News, and witness the incredible impact of starting your own prayer team! Be inspired to create a culture of prayer, not only within your community but throughout the world. Unlock the power of prayer in your life and make a difference in God's kingdom.

Prayer Works!

If you ever get to a place in your life where you feel like something is missing, it’s often a connection problem: you are disconnected from God and too connected to the world. Prayer and fasting can have a powerful impact on setting your life back on track. 

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