Savannah's Story

A turning point in Savannah's life was acknowledging that something in her life was missing and needed to change. Two years ago began a new journey of questioning her faith, navigating mental un-health, and desiring healthy relationships, and wondering where God's presence was in all of that.


When a group of people rallied her to be part of a Discovery Bible Study, she had her first experience of studying God's Word, discovering what God has to say to her alongside great people. In other words, community and relationship was her new first impression of God.

"I've been kind of figuring out what my faith means to me and going on that journey. I'm feeling God's presence in my life pushing me [in] that direction."


Part of learning to hear from God was hearing His invitation for more. "I was in a Bible study [where] we were reading a verse about baptism and how God's Word spread, and something stood out to me: I don't need to know everything before I can be baptized."


Choosing to be baptized, surrounded by her family and friends, supported by both followers of Jesus and those who don't yet know Jesus, was encouragement from God. "For me, choosing to be baptized, even after I've already been on worship [team] and doing Bible studies, was a big step for me to show I'm dedicating everything to [Him].

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