Joe and Shelee's Story | Holding On

Joe and Shelee share their story of faith, mirroring God's faithfulness to inspire hope in others. 


From November 2015 to March 2016, Joe Rainey was in a medically-induced coma due to the severity of inhalation damage following an explosion where he suffered 3rd-degree burns over a majority of his body.

This is a story of holding onto God and one another through faith. The accident affected Joe's life through the transformation of his faith. "God never let me go. Again, He put me through a lot, but He said, 'you've got to make it through.' I'm going to be here with you."


Joe's wife Shelee reflected on the early mornings praying in the hospital. "It was just me talking to God and just asking for His strength. I mean the battle definitely, I think, drew me closer to God. Something like that really draws you to your faith."

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