Richard's Story | Sharing Good News

If you've ever met Richard, chances are he has told you a story. Whether it's the story of how God has restored his life or the story of a transformative conversation at work, there is no shortage of stories for Richard.

As a security manager at a casino in Las Vegas and part of the security team at Canyon Ridge, God has been and continues to place people in Richard's path. "In my line of work, God gives me opportunities to speak to individuals about [good news]."


The different people of all different backgrounds that Richard has encountered are a broad spectrum, from dealing with drug addiction to struggling with alcoholism. "On every situation, I always say a prayer and ask the Holy Spirit to give me the right words to say and to show compassion."


He began to tell a story of a man he met, asking him, "what struggles are you going through?" As he began listening, Richard began to share the good news. "It was like a switch turned on. I could see on his face that all of a sudden, he was intent on listening."


For the next two hours, Richard and this man began to have a conversation over a hot meal, the man sharing the struggles he was facing. "At one point, he says, 'I want help.' The Holy Spirit was working in him because he said, 'Richard, this is crazy because a pastor just approached me and prayed for me.' A perfect example of the seed being sown and the water being poured at a later time." 


Throughout this encounter, Richard's coworkers and fellow security officers were standing around. They were "amazed at the power that God has to be able to lead them just by sharing [His] Word...and watching the transformation of an individual [who] is open to listening." 


The beauty of sharing good news is the ripple effect and multiplied impact that transformation can have. "There are so many stories like that I've experienced working in a casino in Las Vegas."


Richard has witnessed the work of real, tangible transformation in people's lives because he was willing and attentive at the opportunities to share good news. His own story of experiencing loss and addiction, and then Jesus' redemption in his life, has allowed him to experience transformation in and around him.


"This is all God doing this, every step of the way. I have [more] stories. I share because we all need Jesus." The good news actually changes people.

Who will you share good news with this week?

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