Fall | Giving Report

"Hey, everyone. Right out of the gate, I want to thank you and celebrate with you. Because of your generous giving across our church, we could not only make but slightly exceed the budget for this past year, which is so awesome.

Beyond that, giving has a huge impact on the lives of individuals. As we give together, we've seen awesome things happen this year! Over 300 people have given their lives in baptism, 300 students went to camp, and together you donated over 500 backpacks to help kids in foster care. This year also marks 20 years of Celebrate Recovery! That's 20 years of people finding their way out of hurts, habits, and hang-ups together because of people like you have consistently shown up and given generously.

There is so much to celebrate and many things to come. Keep an eye out for Night of Worship in October. We're also launching groups for the fall! Look at the people around your life and see who can join you in looking at what God has said together, put it into practice, and share it with others. It's also about to be one of my favorite seasons around here! Friends.Giving will kick off toward the end of October. This is a season where we get to be generous and to show up in the lives of people we know this holiday season.

So let's keep going! As we discover not only who we're becoming as individuals and who we are becoming as a church, let's look forward to all of the good God has in mind for this next season. Let's keep being generous. Let's offer God and one another the very best of ourselves and watch how He shows up in our lives as we do."

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