Carlos' Story | Just Show Up

Carlos' story started on a Sunday. Carlos came to Canyon Ridge looking for guidance. "I had enough - enough of the life that I was living since I got here to Vegas in '99." That life was alcohol, drugs, and gambling. Over the years, it has drained the energy out of Carlos, affecting his family. "I'm tired…so I came here, talked to Pastor Drew, and talked with Pastor Kevin, and the rest is history."

It all began with a conversation and a connection. Pastor Kevin listened well and long and invited him to Celebrate Recovery. "Keep coming back" is the consistent encouragement, challenge, and invitation at Celebrate Recovery. Carlos would respond every week, "I'm coming back." Carlos is used to building walls and keeping things to himself. Still, through the community at Celebrate Recovery, he says, "[I'm learning] how to be more open-minded and trust other people - and here, how can you not? It's a beautiful family - it's a family. No one is talking about going to the casino and gambling, and that's what I need. I need to be a part of that, no doubt."

On July 20th, Carlos got laid off from his job. That was a line-in-the-sand moment. Looking at his life and relationships, Carlos made a commitment then and there - no more drugs, no more alcohol, and no more gambling. And on October 20th, three months later, he reached his 90th day of Recovery. "I made it a point to get here [to the church]. I'm going to keep moving forward."

On September 10th, Carlos was baptized. And that was a moment when Carlos realized that his past became part of the story he gets to share with people. "You can't go back, but now, it's something I can at least talk about." Reflecting on his past, he says, "I put myself in the middle of a crossfire, but because of God, I've been able to walk right through it. Without God, there's nothing."

Since the summer, Carlos has been slowly but surely experiencing how much easier it is to choose to be faithful to God and his people. And that journey began a while ago, with someone named Miss Lorraine who invited Carlos' wife to Canyon Ridge. "I wasn't ready [then], but she's the reason, to be honest, why I'm still here [today]." It's because of people like Kevin and Miss Lorraine and countless others along the way who have shown up alongside Carlos and his family to walk with in Jesus' direction.

Before, Carlos was caught up with drugs, alcohol, and gambling, struggling in his relationships and being keeping to himself. And with Jesus, Carlos is walking daily with God, discovering more about himself, God, and others, and finding healing in community.

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