Baptism Stories | January

John and Catie, alongside others, decided to take their next step in Jesus' direction through baptism! They were both baptized by people who have been walking alongside them as a part of the story that God is writing in their lives!


John has been a part of Canyon Ridge for six months. "My life before Jesus - I was worried a lot. There were a lot of times I just felt alone and also confused. I didn't have a lot of clarity of where I was supposed to go in my life." In the last few months, John started volunteering with the kids team and joined a young adult group with leaders Michael and Carol. "After finding Jesus, I found family. It's easier to find hope and trust that God has a plan for my life." John's found family was there as Michael baptized him and his group cheered him on.


Catie got connected to a young adult group in October where she met Savannah. "Before Jesus, I was not in a good place. I feel I was very lost." Since joining a group and being a part of a growing community, Catie has found ways to share the story of what God's been up to in her life. In December, she decided to get baptized by her dad and Savannah, surrounded by her family, friends, and young adult group. "God has definitely changed me by helping me become a better person. It's a great step in the right direction, and a new leaf is turning."

Do you have a story like John's or Catie's?

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