Rule of Life | Work & Money

The first thing God gives man to do is to tend and watch over the Garden (Genesis 2:15). God gave man good work to do - to steward, enjoy, and multiply what God created. Today, with work, money usually follows. Throughout Scripture, God has a lot to say about money - to steward, share, and to yield for people’s good and God’s glory. God’s invitation, therefore, is to be a generous caretaker with the work that you do and the resources you have. If you do an inventory on your work and financial life, what are you building with your money? How is what you care about revealed in how you spend your money?

• Discover: Before filling out the Work & Money arena, read 2 Corinthians 9:6-12. What do you notice about the connection between work and money?

• Do: What are you currently practicing to steward your work and money with God and for his purpose? Here is a recommendation on where to start: Commit to giving away 10% of your income (tithing) and giving your best to your daily work, and grow from there!

Here is a list of “Work & Money” Practices to explore: Tithe, steward your influence at work well, budget to live generously, volunteer, support the work of your local community, etc.

• Share: As you practice, be in a rhythm of learning and debriefing with God and others about your experience using the following questions or prompts:

  • What is a story of encountering God from this past week’s Work & Money practices?

  • What did you notice happening in you as you practiced stewarding your work and money with God?

  • What was challenging, surprising, and/or life-giving?

  • Where did you most experience God with you?

Pro Tip: We encounter many of those in our relational networks through our work. Money is a key way to be generous toward these people!