Rule of Life | Community

The entire scope of Scripture is the story of God’s relationship with his people. Humans are created and formed in the Image of a relational God, and as God transforms his people, we live out our transformation in the context of community. Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Is this fruit evident in you and your community?

• Discover: Before filling out the Community arena, read Acts 2:42-47. What do you notice about what this kind of community is marked by and for? What is your community marked by and for?

• Do: What are you currently practicing to live amongst and nurture a thriving community? Here is a recommendation on where to start: Commit to daily rhythms of intentional connection with those closest to you and a weekly meal with your community, and grow from there!

Here is a list of “Community” Practices to explore: Sharing a meal with a friend or neighbor, pursuing relationships with people from all backgrounds and life experiences, family dinners, being an active participant in your local church, trips and getaways with friends and family, meeting with your neighbors, daily connection time with your kids/coworkers/spouse/closest friends, etc.

• Share: As you practice, be in a rhythm of learning and debriefing with God and others about your experience using the following questions or prompts:

  • What is a story of encountering God from this past week’s Community practices?

  • What did you notice happening in you as you practiced intentionally cultivating community with God and others?

  • What was challenging, surprising, and/or life-giving?

  • Where did you most experience God with you?

Pro-Tip: We partner with our community to love and serve one another’s relational network. We pray deeply for one another’s relational network, and tell stories of God moving in people’s lives when we gather.