Uncommon People | June 26, 2022 | Prayer Service

It seems like anytime there is a tragedy, people send "thoughts and prayers" It happens so often that many people have forgotten how important and powerful prayer actually is! If you want to live an Uncommon life, you have to think about prayer in a completely different way. What would your life look like if you actually believed that you were talking to the God who created the Universe when you prayed? As a follower of Jesus, you have the Holy Spirit in you, giving you everything you need to pray bold prayers. So let's be expectant, dependent on God, and see what He can do through your prayers!


  • Acts 2:42, 46 NLT- 42 All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper), and to prayer.

  • Zephaniah 3:17 NLT - 17 For the Lord your God is living among you.He is a mighty savior.He will take delight in you with gladness.With his love, he will calm all your fears.He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

  • Acts 2:25-28 NLT - 25 King David said this about him:‘I see that the Lord is always with me.I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. 26 No wonder my heart is glad,and my tongue shouts his praises!My body rests in hope. 27 For you will not leave my soul among the deador allow your Holy One to rot in the grave. 28 You have shown me the way of life,and you will fill me with the joy of your presence.’

  • Acts 4:29-30 NLT - 29 And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. 30 Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”


One of the best ways to hear what God is saying right now is to look at what He has said in the Bible with a few friends. Discovery Bible Study is an easy-to-use way to hear from God, make good changes in our lives, and share with others what God is up to. Grab some friends, pick a verse or story from above and dive in deeper to this week’s message.


+ Reconnect

To begin the study, each person answers these questions:

  • What are you thankful for?
  • What is causing stress for our neighbors and people around us?
  • What can we as individuals or as a group do to help?

+ Recap

  • Have someone retell the story from your previous meeting.
  • Did you live out your response from last week?
  • Did you tell anyone else about the story from last week?

Discovering What God Is Saying

+ Read and Retell the Bible Story

  • One person reads the story out loud to the group.
  • Someone else in the group retells the story in their own words as they remember it, and others fill in what’s missing.

+ Read and Look

  • Read the passage again (different version if possible)
  • What does this passage say about God, Jesus, or His plan?

+ Read and Look Again

  • Have 1-2 more people retell the story as if they were telling a neighbor outside their home.
  • What does this passage say about people in general?

Doing What God Is Saying

+ Consider

  • What in me needs to change to better DO what God is showing me today?
  • How will you respond to/obey this passage in a tangible, perhaps even costly ways in the next 48-72 hours?
  • Have someone record these for prayer time, and for the beginning of the next meeting.

Sharing what God is saying

+ Praying Together

  • Take prayer requests
  • Pray together

+ Share

  • Who in your life needs to hear this story?
  • Who could you invite to study the Bible like this?


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