Posts tagged Enjoy
Enjoy | July 18, 2021 | Enjoyment

Look up and know that God created the heavens and knows each star by name – He knows your name. Look closely and appreciate His beauty, and know that His love for you is greater. Look within yourself and see that you are loved the kind of love that would lead Jesus to a cross, to die for you, so that you could enjoy God forever.

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Stephen PalacinoEnjoy
Enjoy | July 4, 2021 | Creativity

Look up and know that God created the heavens and knows each star by name – He knows your name. Look closely and appreciate His beauty, and know that His love for you is greater. Look within yourself and see that you are loved the kind of love that would lead Jesus to a cross, to die for you, so that you could enjoy God forever.

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Stephen PalacinoEnjoy