Your 3 Reasons to Give

Your 3 Reasons to Give. We only experience what God says when we DO it.  This is never more true than when we give.  So how are you experiencing it? 

Let’s inspire one another to experience all the good God has for us in giving by sharing YOUR 3 Reasons to give.

  • In the comments below type the top 3 things that come from giving in YOUR experience.

  • Trade reasons with your family or friends over dinner.  Tell GREAT stories of giving and the good it brought.

  • Join at least one other person and make plans to give to people you know or a church in a sacrificial way.  Watch for what God does in you AND those around you.

  • Make a giving plan… consider the following questions…

    • What percent of whatever income you have will you give in Jesus’ name no matter what?

    • How will you prepare for unexpected opportunities to give?