Top 9 Things Job Interviewers Are Looking For

You just landed an interview for a job you really want. Congratulations! After all the preparation, practice and stress, it's time to show that you're the right person for the job. But how do you make sure you're not making any rookie mistakes when you go in for the interview?

The most important thing to remember in an interview is that you and those representing the organization you are looking to join are trying to figure out if you’re the best person for the job. Sometimes, little details end up being the difference between getting the job and not getting it. Here are some things to showcase when you go into an interview:

  1. Passion and enthusiasm. Showing a genuine interest in the role and what the company stands for is key to making a great impression. Demonstrate that you’ve done your research on the company and its vision, and be prepared to express how you would contribute to the overall mission.

  2. A positive attitude. Employers want to know that you’ll be a team player and will bring an upbeat, constructive outlook to their workplace. Showcase how your background, experience, and core values are an asset to the position and organization.

  3. Communication skills. How effectively can you articulate your ideas? You can make a great impression on the interviewer by demonstrating intentional, creative, and clear verbal and written communication skills.

  4. Time management skills. Are you someone who uses your time efficiently? Relay stories of past successes related to multitasking, working under deadlines, and completing projects on time while still meeting high standards of quality.

  5. Flexibility and adaptability. Employers want to know that you are willing to take on new challenges and be open to change. Showcase past experiences where you have readily handled unpredictable tasks or changes in working environments, taking initiative and stepping up in leadership no matter your role.

  6. A history of success. Employers are looking for patterns of positive progress in your previous roles. Share specific and key moments of leadership and unique contribution throughout your career to illustrate how you will bring value to the organization.

  7. Problem-solving skills. How do you navigate complex challenges? Interviewers want to know that you can think on your feet, analyze situations efficiently, and come up with creative solutions.

  8. A collaborative spirit. Many employers look for candidates who work well as a team and contribute towards a collaborative effort. Share how you take initiative when working with others, and any experiences where your collaboration with a team has resulted in success.

  9. Professionalism. Show that you understand the importance of conducting yourself professionally in an interview setting. Demonstrate good manners, appropriate dress code, eye contact, and enthusiasm throughout the process to leave a lasting impression on the interviewer.

By expressing these qualities during your job interview, you can make it clear that you’re the right fit for the organization.

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